Jan 272011

find a song by lyrics or tunrYou heard a song in your favorite restaurant and now you want to download the song from the web or buy it from somewhere. But now you remember only a few initial words from the song. How to find that song now by Song Name or Artist with lyrics etc. ?? Here are 4 free services to help you do just that.


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Jan 252011

Few days back we wrote about how to find Online Profiles of anyone by Name,Email,Username or Phone Number using  Spokeo.com. You may be wondering how to remove your profile listing from Spokeo in case you don’t want a particular information to be displayed when somebody searches for your Name or Phone or Email etc.Read on to learn how you can do that!!

remove listings from spokeo

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Jan 172011

Spokeo is an interesting online service which lets you search online available information about your friends or anyone in general. The service does this by scanning online social networking sites like Myspace,Twitter etc. and other community based services like emails, directories,blogs etc. Read on to find out how you can picture the online social presence of anyone in one shot.

Find Online Profiles by NAme or email or username

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Dec 302010

chrome voice searchGoogle has launched a new free Chrome Extension “Voice Search” in Chrome Web Store to enable users of Google’s Chrome web browser to perform a voice search on a number of search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo Search. Here is how to enable this Voice Search feature in Chrome Browser on your desktop.



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Dec 252010
Tracing a mobile phone location by tracing mobile number in India when you get a call from some unknown mobile number can be done using online sevices.You may want to locate the location of caller or cellphone before responding to the call or just to check it’s whereabouts.Here is a list of 5 online resources available to locate or trace a mobile number location in India. tracing mobile number in India

Aug 182010

Blackberry phone service is well known for its Push Email services which are considered highly reliable and lightning fast.This service is available only in select countries.Now users in India can get a blackberry like push email service on their GSM mobile phones to recieve emails from their Gmail,yahoo or rediff mail accounts.

Push Email service in India

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Aug 042010

Finally, there is a news from Google camp at Redmond which is of  major significance for all users of Google web services like Gmail, Orkut, Apps, Analytics and Adsense etc. Google may provide access or login to multiple google accounts simultaneously in the same browser window.

Google applications

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Jul 232010

I recently read a post on official Google blog about the favorite Chrome extensions selected by Google chrome team. You can read the original post by Jonathan Rosenberg here . Its a nice list of some very popular and useful extensions for Google chrome. A reader asked me about the equivalent addon for firefox for one of the extensions (Chromedbird extension actually!!). While answering her query I thought of publishing a full list of firefox equivalents of all Chrome extensions listed there. So here is my compilation of Firefox addons for similar (actually better in some cases) functionality as available in chrome extensions.I have listed them in the same way as they appeared on the original list with original text quoted.So here we go..

Firefox addons and Chrome extensions

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