Aug 182010

Blackberry phone service is well known for its Push Email services which are considered highly reliable and lightning fast.This service is available only in select countries.Now users in India can get a blackberry like push email service on their GSM mobile phones to recieve emails from their Gmail,yahoo or rediff mail accounts.

Push Email service in India

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Aug 032008

Google has launched its new service Google Knol to encourage users to contribute articles on their choice of subjects.Its similar to wikipages but with a little difference.Here author’s identity is their for all to see.You can log in with your existing Google account or you can create a new one if you wish.His profile, his other contributions, his ratings etc. is available to viewers.

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Jul 262008 have a website or a blog and you want to sell products through it.But where to get that cool ‘Buy it‘ or ‘Add to cart‘ button functionality.Thankfully you can get such a service online at Mal’s E-Commerce website .The website offers both free and paid services but free service is pretty enough for a beginner’s purpose or for a small online store.

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