Jun 232011
How to fix not playing broken or damaged AVI video files

AVI is an advanced video format producing high quality at small size. Here is a comprehensive guide to repair broken AVI video files that won’t play in any media player. Repair your AVI files now and enjoy your lost videos.


AVI stands for Audio video Interlaced. An AVI file may be broken or corrupt because of

  • Incomplete download
  • Copying error
  • Corrupt index (file not seekable)
  • Audio Video out of sync or
  • Computer crashes (application errors)

To repair an AVI video file there are a number of free tools available. We have tested a lot of AVI repair tools and we will discuss about the three best free AVI repair tools here.

1. DivxRepair

(Download free AVI repair tool DivxRepair)

repair damaged AVI files

It is a basic tool with auto settings. It examines the AVI video file frames and strip all bad frames and rebuilds the file.

2. DivFix++

(Download free AVI repair tool DivFix++)

fix unplayable broken or damaged AVI video files

It is an advanced tool than DivxRepair with many options. You can strip and rebuild AVI file index. Check for errors and repair the file. Just add the corrupt or broken AVI file and Click on “Fix” to start repair process.

3. VirtualDub

(Download free AVI repair tool VirtualDub)

VirtualDub or VD is a well known open source software to edit and fix AVI video files.

fix unplayable broken or damaged AVI video files

It will detect and fix most basic errors on its own. Otherwise you can scan the video stream for errors by using the option “Video>Scan video stream for errors..”.

Else, try re-saving the file in direct stream copy mode. First set both Audio and Video potions to “Direct stream copy” as shown below.

Repair broken AVI file

Then save the file again with a different name. What you get in result is a rebuilt fresh file with smooth playback.

Virtualdub also has a built in Hex Editor for advance editing of video stream however that is beyond the scope of a normal user.

These three freeware tools should suffice to repair most of your broken or corrupt or damaged AVI video files. However even if these tools fail to solve your problem then you need to head for specialized video help forums like doom9.org. Try asking your question there for seeking expert help. You can also ask us for help in comments below.We will be glad to help you out.